Thursday 11 October 2007


My brother has always been the immature little shit growing up. There was the naked faze, where he would walk around naked, dance in the loungeroom naked, practically just live naked.

Then there was the gay faze. Everything i said or did was gay in his eyes and he would tell me repeatedly. Then i was emo and everything i said or did was supposedly emo.

Master Patrick then learnt foul language. I was a fucking this or fucking that. Bitch, whore, slut, mother fucker. He even called me a cunt a few times. He was about thirteen at this stage.

But yesterday Patrick and i actually talked and i realised that what i thought would never ever happen as in fact happened. My annoying little brother has matured! (Maybe its the sex & drugs, but i dont want to think of him doing either kthnks.) We talked about his friends, music, clubs, scene kids, him turning 18, drinking etc. And there was no name calling, no language and nothing immature at all. It was actually enjoyable to have a conversation with him :]

While we were talking yesterday he told me about this band 'Breaking Benjamin'. They are actually rather good i think. They remind me of 'Three Days Grace' just because of the singers voice. Im just glad to hear my brother listening to something different. So here is there video for one of there songs


Breaking Benjamin "Breath" Music Video

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1 comment:

Tommy said...

wow they are a pretty good band lol..

My sister and I went through stages like that, id be a prick, she'd be a bitch, etc etc..

but now, as we both mature, everything is all fine and dandy, and we are good to eachother haha..